Years ago I suffered a fate most unfortunate and lost one of the most important people in my life...My colorist. OK, to be clear she is still alive and in a wonderful new career. I know that may have sounded a bit dramatic, but I think most women would agree that a bond of trust needs to exist between you and your colorist/ hair stylist. It was scary going to someone else after such a long time and I really was having a hard time finding a new salon. That was when a friend referred me to Jeanine. We instantly clicked and I was thrilled to have someone so was clearly so skilled taking care of my locks. Her salon was revolutionary to me; filled with art, ingenuity, and rooted in the concept of being eco friendly. I was so impressed and its been a pleasure to talk business, branding, and solutions in sustainability whenever I have seen her through the years. Most recently, she has opened a refill bar. They offer shampoos, conditioners, soaps, lotions and other skin solutions- That is all just the tip of the iceberg though! She is on a mission to eliminate the use of plastics and save the planet...Her stamina and ideas are so inspirational that I knew I had to interview her!
What do you think is the most unique part of your business? What advice do you have for female entrepreneurs who are trying to stand out in their field?
I think the most unique part of my business IS my business. I am in the business of getting people to learn about what they put on their bodies and hair every day. Most people have no idea that they are using refined gasoline byproduct, scented with poison, to clean themselves daily. I am also trying to raise awareness about the waste of disposable plastic in the beauty, bath, and home industries. My store is one of a kind and I hope that we are able to make positive impacts in our community- Hopefully even around the country and the world! Changing perspective is where it starts. My advice is to make sure you have great mentors and to find something that makes you want to get out of bed everyday. I love the world of beauty. I am a stylist by trade and have always been able to get lost in the art of hair dressing. I love making people feel good and I love to teach them. It is cliche, but find something you LOVE to do and your energy will make you stand out. Authenticity is key and it is contagious.
You have such an amazing focus on cutting out plastic from people’s daily routines; what are your best tips for someone who is just starting the journey in living a more green lifestyle?
Thank you. Start small. Make little commitments. "I will never take a plastic straw again (and then come and get one of the AWESOME straws we have here from Strawsome! They have a lifetime guarantee and every purchase gives back to an awesome cause. ) Watch Youtube videos on how to go zero waste! There are SO MANY amazing people doing it! They are so helpful and don't put unrealistic expectations on anyone. Encourage and challenge your family and friends! Who doesn't like a contest!? For the next celebration of birthday party say NO to balloons and plastic utensils. If you have to buy them wash them and REUSE THEM! The more you take on this mission the more you feel it in your bones to keep going! Less clutter is key to over all happiness- I am convinced of it!
You have been in the salon business for a long time, what is the most common mistake you see clients make in their hair care routine?
They wash their hair with the crap products that are being sold and are advertised as being the answer to good hair! Good hair starts with a healthy scalp! Good hair starts with NOT chemically washing it daily. Good hair STARTS AND ENDS WITH AN AWESOME NATURAL BRISTLE BRUSH! I am going to do a video about how to have good hair one of these days! There are a few MUST steps, but I have changed heads of hair by doing a few specific things. Of course I know and stand by my products. They start at the scalp level and that is a game changer. Oh and BRUSH!!!!! Did I say that? It needs to be repeated! You need to have a hair stylist and salon that you trust! Someone with a real passion for hair and someone that UNDERSTANDS HAIR. So many stylists just follow the lead of salons that don't care at all about the health of hair. My industry has a lot to learn and needs to learn that we should not profit off people who are vulnerable and believe that every product is going to change their life and their hair. Most of the products absolutely will do the opposite over time. Read ingredient decks and learn what is in your products. Use sources that are not paid by cosmetics companies. I used to love until I realized they are in the game of beauty not a non-biased entity. you have to be diligent and do your own seeking. If all else fails, just brush and of course use my O'beehave products. Oh and YES read and back check my labels- I encourage it!
Tell me a bit about your most popular products! What sets your shampoos and conditioners apart from others? My three most popular products are
1. Morning Dew Drops is an organic satin moisture for all skin types. It is ALL you need in the am and your skin brightens and responds immediately*. If I got rid of everything, this might be the product I decide to sell all on it's own**. They are amazing!
*It does NOT have an SPF, so that can be applied after (Although I am not a fan of chemical SPF- I like to get it from a Mineral Foundation.)
**OK I take that back I would Have to have one of my charcoal conditioners with the drops. But with these two things only I could and would be set.
2. Key Lime Conditioner for Hair (and skin too!) Smells like heaven! Citrus Oils are awesome for the scalp and create a ton of shine. Did I mention the smell?
3. Our Charcoal Conditioners; We have two. The Original Purify and Calm and the Newest Blend called Licorice Condish. BOTH will dry up the scalp, purifying it and reboot it. KEY! I hand blend meadowfoam seed oil into both formulas so they leave the hair incredibly soft and shiny! They are killer at removing makeup and clearing up troubled skin. The balm for beards and for shaving too. If I am in a rush I use these head to toe!One product truly does it all!
So, most recently I saw you have been in the running for the spotlight on Shark Tank! Congratulations! What can we expect next?
We have to kind of keep this a little hush-hush at this point, but I left auditions feeling like I was able to tell my story and talk about why our products and our store is unique...Now we wait!
O'Beehave Naturals
Address: 32 Deer Park Ave, Babylon, NY 11702
Phone:(631) 422-0590
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