I have never been a gym rat. I go through my phases but I really have had a rough time through out the years, especially after having my kids. Once I get into a routine I do look forward to working out, but all it takes is a week with a kid getting sick and I am not just thrown off track but starting over. I realized not long ago, that my biggest deference in my health goals is not a lack of inspiration and motivation but accountability. I am always on the look out for ways to do things better and more efficiently, and I love when I find out "there's an app for that". There is and app launching this week called Enjifit and I am super excited about it! It is a way to connect with workout partners and personal trainers. You are matched after filling out a quick profile listing your interests and fitness goals. I sat down with the Founder and CEO of Enjifit to learn more.

What was your inspiration in developing this app?
My inspiration for the app came from my sister. One night when I was visiting my sister, Natasha, who lived several hours away, we talked about our life goals. She mentioned she wanted to lose weight after having her second child. Since I don’t have children, I couldn’t directly relate to her struggle as a full-time teacher and mother of two young boys. So I asked her what type of workouts she liked and what she wanted in a workout partner to help motivate her, and she mentioned several characteristics that I couldn’t match from my network of friends. That’s when it hit me. What if I could find a workout partner for her that matched those characteristics. She said she would certainly feel motivated with a workout partner. From that night, I was inspired to find someone who could help her, and others, stay motivated to achieve their fitness and health goals. Four years and two children later, my sister has been working out with a friend from the gym who has helped her stay accountable to her goals and bounce back after giving birth. Quite inspiring!
How do you envision this shaping the future of working out?
I believe that many of us need motivation or an encouraging friend who can push us beyond our limits. I believe the Enjifit app is going to be the outlet people turn to when searching for a workout partner. I can picture people using the app, connecting with people who have similar goals and interests and going to the gym together, hiking together and trying out new activities together. Because when you have someone by your side, it’s natural to feel more courage to experience new challenges.
On the other hand, the app is also a platform for personal trainers and nutritionists to feature their services and grow their network. Personal trainers have the option to purchase a PRO subscription, which offers them a featured profile, unique profile fields specific to their training and rates and direct contact buttons on their profile, making it easier for users to contact them directly.
I feel so fortunate that I was able to get a sneak peek of this awesome app, and I especially liked that you can narrow down who you are matched with based on personal preferences with the filter option. What other plans do you have for the future of the app?
As the first version of the app, I am very open and receptive to feedback for enhancements on the app. Being so passionate to deliver a product that people truly want and need, I have been very engaged with my users during the beta testing; and was able to capture some great ideas that I plan to implement in the app updates. Some of those ideas include creating groups, events, a community feed with featured users, personal trainers, success stories and more.
What are your tips for new users of the app?
As a new app, it’s easy for someone to download the app and find a lack of people on the app. The key in this app launch is to spread the word, because the app highly depends on many users. I encourage new users to use all the main features – Find Your Enji™, Workout Now, Reminders and Invite Friends - with an open and positive mind. My ultimate goal is to deliver on great feedback I receive on the app; and make Enjifit the best workout partner community on the market.
What advice do you have for someone who may be entering into the beginning stages of app development?
My biggest advice is to never stop learning. Always engage in the tech community, whether through workshops or meet up events, because it’s important to learn all the areas of app development – from being a business owner, to UI/UX design, marketing and public relations to growth hacking and more. The learning should never stop.
My other piece of advice would be to truly understand what problem you’re solving. Once you find a gap in the market and you can deliver a solution to a common problem, then you may have a golden idea. And this process requires flexibility.
Contact: +1-844-365-4348
App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/enjifit-workout-partner-app/id1398493542?ls=1&mt=8
Social Channels:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Enjifit
Instagram: http://instagram.com/enjifitapp/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/9214743
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